Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Romantic Get Away A Massachusetts Wedding Reception

The Romantic Get Away A Massachusetts Wedding Reception
New England has a romantic charisma that attracts many couples to the area. The region lays claim to an overabundance of romantic bed and breakfast havens as well as outstanding dining and entertainment. If you have ever gone to a Massachusetts wedding reception you know why the area appeals to so many newly weds.
A Romantic Massachusetts Wedding Reception
My husband and I attended a Massachusetts wedding reception prior to being even engaged. The occurrence happened at the Venus de Milo Restaurant. Originally, I was a little taken back by the invitations that proposed a Grecian theme. Also, the Venus de Milo is synonymous with Greek art. As romantic as this theme is, it truly didn't seem to go well with a Massachusetts wedding reception.
Naturally, my husband and I jumped at the chance of getting a romantic get-away in New England. Throughout the whole drive up the coast I attempted to picture how the Massachusetts wedding reception with the Grecian theme would work out. The thought kept me busy for quite a while.
When we arrived at the New England bed and breakfast we were delighted with the accommodations. After a swift change and an aperitif, we were off to the Massachusetts wedding reception. I was so anxious to see the banquet hall, not to mention the gowns and decorations.
The Venus de Milo restaurant is really superb and it does have a classical atmosphere that is more than elegant. The interior is designed with Grecian rudiments that stand out amongst the crystal chandeliers and interspersing of current amenities. While the atmosphere might be too much for some, I found the whole event to be nothing less than remarkable.
This Massachusetts wedding reception hosted about 300 guests and the organization provided accommodation for all and sundry in a style that was apparently easy. The inconspicuous nature of the waiters made the meal courses appear out of nowhere while the empty dishes vanished into thin air. The personnel was elegant and more than well-organized.
The banquet room in the Venus de Milo is enormous and I wondered how on earth the bride was going to have enough time to come within reach of all the guests throughout this Massachusetts wedding reception. She was able to do that easily as the banquet room was arranged in such a way it was possible for her to have enough room to move about with poise despite her prominent gown.
There is something about the banquet hall that maintains the romantic elements that we characteristically bracket together with the New England coast while assimilating the Grecian theme. From that experience on, when I think of a Massachusetts wedding reception the first picture that will come to my mind is the Venus de Milo.

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